Pop-rock contemporary Christian music ranging from ballads to solid rock with a strong scriptural message.
Album Notes
“Paint a Picture”, the second album release (2002) for Joseph and Angel, gives a strong Christian message in scripture based and scripture filled music designed to “Paint a Picture” of who Jesus Christ is and challenge the listener to live a life that will also paint that picture. The songs which vary from ballads like “Paint a Picture” and “You Shall Be Filled” to “solid” rock like “He’s Alive”, with “spices” from some upbeat pop country (what we call “Texas Music”) on “Light in the Darkness” and late 50’s rock in “My Jesus is Lord” are original and based on the work of God in the lives of the artists.
This album has had some significant internet radio hits such as “He’s Alive” and “Hit Man”. “Just Buying Time” is one of the artist’s many favorites.
Joseph and Angel are a husband-and-wife team, and really share their music as two solo artists with one heart and one vision. Angel, who was brought to Jesus at a Christian music concert years back, really has a heart to reach the lost and build the church through music and the word. Joseph, who has had music as a major part of his life since age 6, gives his entire heart and passion into the music and message with the goal of really making disciples for Christ.
You’ll not only enjoy listening to the music, but if you take it to heart, it can change your life. It will challenge you to make your life “Paint a Picture” of Jesus.